Monday, January 27, 2020

Content Diversity in Metro Online and Citizen Journalists

Content Diversity in Metro Online and Citizen Journalists CHAPTER 4 – FINDINGS/ANALYSIS DATA Analysis of content diversity in Metro Online Broadcast and Citizen Journalists Malaysia This section analyse the news content that is collected according to the time frame that drawn from January 2015 to May 2015 in order to identify the pattern and frequency of content diversity that portray in Metro Online Broadcast and Citizen Journalists Malaysia. The categorization was divided into three sections which include the general information that provide diversity of content on both website, news source, and topics selection. Section A: General information that provide diversity of content on Metro Online Broadcast and Citizen Journalists Malaysia A total number of 92 article in each topics were collected from the citizen journalism website, Metro Online Broadcast particularly from January 2015 to Mei 2015. Whereas from website Citizen Journalists Malaysia are 71. This section would identifying the content diversity based on the general information in the news article including types of information in the articles, the number of articles in each topic, tone of coverage, type of graphic attachment and author of each articles. The number of articles every month Metro Online Broadcast Figure 4.2.1 Number of articles every month Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid January 15 16.3 16.3 16.3 February 11 12.0 12.0 28.3 Mac 20 21.7 21.7 50.0 April 22 23.9 23.9 73.9 May 24 26.1 26.1 100.0 Total 92 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.1 shows the number of articles every month within January until May 2015. A total of articles for each month are 92 were collected from Metro Online Broadcast website. According to the table, Metro Online Broadcast were found 16.3% articles for January. The collection of articles on February are 12.0% which the lowest rather than others month. On Mac the articles are found 21.7% and the articles on April has found 23.9% which the second highest after May. The total of articles on May are 26.1% which the highest than others month. According to the researcher analysis, the articles on the website was not often updated. The articles was updated maximum three times per week. Citizen Journalist Malaysia Number of articles every month Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid January 17 23.9 23.9 23.9 February 6 8.5 8.5 32.4 Mac 12 16.9 16.9 49.3 April 24 33.8 33.8 83.1 May 12 16.9 16.9 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.1 shows the number of articles every month within January until May 2015. A total of articles for each month are 71 were collected from Citizen Journalist Malaysia website. According to the table, Citizen Journalist Malaysia were found 23.9% articles for January which the second highest after April. The collection of articles on February are 8.5% which the lowest rather than others month. The articles on Mac and May are found 16.9% and the articles on April has found 33.8% which the highest within that months. According to the researcher analysis, the articles on the website was not often updated. The articles was updated maximum four times per week. The number of articles in each topics Metro Online Broadcast Figure 4.2.2 Number of articles in each topic Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid General 6 6.5 6.5 6.5 Crime 4 4.3 4.3 10.9 Sport 9 9.8 9.8 20.7 Community 73 79.3 79.3 100.0 Total 92 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.2 was shows the number of articles in each topic within from January until May 2015. According to the Metro Broadcast Online, there have four types of topics was provides to attract the readers. There are general, crime, sport and community. Based on the table, the highest number of articles was community topic which is 79.3% and sport was the second higher which is 9.8% rather than general topic. The result of general topic is 6.5% which the second lowest than crime topic. The crime topic has found 4.3% which has four articles within the months. Based on the result, community topic which the highest rather than others topic because the journalist was focus on the problem or event that occur among communities. The articles are includes the information about the event that should be know by the readers. In addition, the journalist also shares the problem or strange things that happen among community. It was probably can attract readers to read the articles because society might interested to it. The sport articles is about the related activity among society. For example, the competition of futsal at the university which invoved the students with various courses. The general topic is involved social media issue such as a viral video. Crime topic is rarely updated within that months and the issue is about theft cases, accident and murder cases. Citizen Journalists Malaysia Figure 4.2.2 Number of articles in each topic Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid General 43 60.6 60.6 60.6 Crime 3 4.2 4.2 64.8 Sport 1 1.4 1.4 66.2 Community 24 33.8 33.8 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.2 was shows the number of articles in each topic within from January until May 2015. According to the Citizen Journalist Malaysia, there have four types of topics was provides to attract the readers. There are general, crime, sport and community. Based on the table, the highest number of articles was general topic which is 60.6% and community was the second higher which is 33.8% rather than crime topic. The result of crime topic is 4.2% which the second lowest than sport topic. The sport topic has found 1.4% which has one article within the months. Based on the result, general topic which the highest rather than others topic because the journalist was focus in human interest that occur among societies. For example, the activities that was carried out with the family or held the forum to discuss in certain issue. The articles are includes the information about the event that should be know by the readers. In addition, the journalist also shares the problem or strange things that happen among community which found 24 articles and the second highest after general topic. It was probably can attract readers to read the articles because society might interested to it. However, for sport topic the researcher just found one article within in that months. As we can see, Citizen Journalist Malaysia is rarely to make the coverage in sport topic. Crime topic is also rarely updated within that months and the issue is about theft cases, accident and murder cases. Tone of coverage in articles Metro Online Broadcast Figure 4.2.3 Tone of coverage in each articles Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Positive 76 82.6 82.6 82.6 Negative 16 17.4 17.4 100.0 Total 92 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.3 shows tone of coverage in each articles within January until May 2015. The researcher was analyse 92 articles in each topic on the Metro Online Broadcast website. Based on the table above, the researcher has found 76 articles was a positive coverage. The positive coverage was involved the issue about the competition program, information of tips and the forum among the expert person. The articles is not influenced community minds but they would know the latest information that are not be covered at others printed newspaper. However, the negative coverage has found 16 articles for every topics. The issue was found in each articles are the problem that happened among society such as crime and accident. The articles might influenced readers mind and perhaps it would not help the readers to gain a new knowledge. Based on the tables, the positive coverage has found 82.6% whereas negative coverage 17.4%. Citizen Journalists Malaysia Tone of coverage in each articles Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Positive 58 81.7 81.7 81.7 Negative 13 18.3 18.3 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.3 shows tone of coverage in each articles within January until May 2015. The researcher was analyse 71 articles in each topic on the Citizen Journalist Malaysia website. Based on the table above, the researcher has found 58 articles was a positive coverage. The positive coverage was involved the issue about the competition program, information of tips and the forum among the expert person. The articles is not influenced community minds but they would know the latest information that are not be covered at others printed newspaper. However, the negative coverage has found 13 articles for every topics. The issue was found in each articles are the problem that happened among society such as crime and accident. The articles might influenced readers mind and perhaps it would not help the readers to gain a new knowledge. Based on the tables, the positive coverage has found 81.7% whereas negative coverage 18.3%. Type of graphic attachment Metro Online Broadcast Figure 4.2.4 Type of graphic attachment Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Photograph 77 83.7 83.7 83.7 Video 15 16.3 16.3 100.0 Total 92 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.4 shows a type of graphic attachment that has been using in each articles. Based on the table, there have 77 of articles using the photograph as an attachment in each page on the articles. This attachment could give extra details and a better perspective of the story. Other than that, a visual image is best to put to influence and gain the reader’s attention to read the news. Meanwhile, the number of articles for the video attachment is 15 of articles. The highest number of articles with photograph attachment shows that Metro Online Broadcast reporters are very conducive and trying to give a best perspective to the readers as the visuals attachments could explain the real situation of the stories. Citizen Journalists Malaysia Type of graphic attachment Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Photograph 62 87.3 87.3 87.3 Video 6 8.5 8.5 95.8 None 3 4.2 4.2 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.4 shows a type of graphic attachment that has been using in each articles. Based on the table, there have 62 of articles using the photograph as an attachment in each page on the website. This attachment could give extra details and a better perspective of the story. Other than that, a visual image is best to put to influence and gain the reader’s attention to read the news. Meanwhile, the number of articles for the video attachment is 6 of articles. The highest number of articles with photograph attachment shows that Citizen Journalist Malaysia reporters are very conducive and trying to give a best perspective to the readers as the visuals attachments could explain the real situation of the stories. However, there have three of articles does not include any attachment either video or photo. Author of each article Metro Online Broadcast Figure 4.2.5 Author of each articles Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid By line 4 4.3 4.3 4.3 Not Mentioned 88 95.7 95.7 100.0 Total 92 100.0 100.0 Explanation figure 4.2.5 Figure 4.2.5 shows the number of author of the articles. As referred to the bar graph above, a number of 88 articles have no by-line and the rest have by – line on the story. .A by – line is a short line on the news that indicates the name of the author or who is writing the article. In a simple words, by – line is a credits given to the author of the news. Based on the Metro Online Broadcast website, the articles there is no by-line will recognize as MOBbers. But for the articles have by-line, the journalists would write their own name. It would depending on the author either want to using as MOBbers or own name. MOBbers means the qualified members or journalist at the Metro Online Broadcast website. Citizen Journalists Malaysia Author of each articles Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Byline 62 87.3 87.3 87.3 Not Mentioned 9 12.7 12.7 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 Explanation Figure 4.2.5 shows the number of author in each articles. As referred to the bar graph above, a number of 62 articles have by-line and the no by – line on the story. A by – line is a short line on the news that indicates the name of the author or who is writing the article. In a simple words, by – line is a credits given to the author of the news. Based on the Citizen Journalist Malaysia (CJMY) website, the articles there is no by-line will recognize as CJMY. But for the articles have by-line, the journalists would write their own name. It would depending on the author either want to using as CJMY or own name. Usually, the journalists would write their own name after registered as journalist at CJMY website.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Separation And Linking Of Contractual Arrangements Accounting Essay

Measurement standards explained under IAS-18, to assist the users of the fiscal statements in better application and proper apprehension. A coverage entity should mensurate gross originating from an addition in the assets or a lessening in its liabilities or the net consequence of their combination at the just value of that addition or lessening. Gross should be measured at the just value of the consideration received or receivable. For a hard currency sale, the gross is the immediate returns of sale. For a recognition sale, the gross is the awaited hard currency receivable. If the consequence of the clip value of money is material, the gross should be discounted to show value. Gross excludes gross revenues revenue enhancements and similar points because these are non economic benefits for the entity.Gross from the sale of goodsThe gross revenues of goods should be recognised as gross after the undermentioned conditions are satisfied. The important hazards and wagess have been transferred from marketer to purchaser. Managements and control of the trade goods is non retained by the marketer. The dealing sum of the goods can be measured faithfully. The economic benefit of goods related dealing will flux to the marketer. The cost incurred or to be incurred can be measured faithfully.Gross from servicesThe acknowledgment of services rendered is measured in conformity with the phase of completion. The undermentioned conditions must be satisfied. The gross can be measured faithfully. The economic benefit of the dealing will likely flux to the supplier. The completion phase can be measured faithfully at the coverage day of the month. The costs incurred and the cost to finish can be measured faithfully. When these conditions are non met, the gross should be restricted to recoverable merely and the remainder should reflect as unrecoverable debts or commissariats for unrecoverable debts in the fiscal statements.Interest, Royalties and DividendsGross received from these beginnings should merely be recognised when they have been measured accurately and the reception from it is likely. gross should be recognised as follows. Interest should be estimated on a clip apportion footing where necessary, taking into history the effectual output of the plus. Royalties are accrued in conformity with the relevant contract. Dividends are recognised when they are declared and when the stockholder # s right to have payment is established.Examples in using gross acknowledgment through a series of mini instance surveiesExample 1On 1st October in the current twelvemonth, a private tuition supplier enrols a pupil on a six-month class. Lectures are held on a regular basis every hebdomad over the whole six-month period. The tuition fees are $ 6000 and one time paid is non-refundable. All books and stuff have to be purchased individually. The pupil pays a first episode of $ 3000 prior to the beginning of the class, and the balance of $ 3000 in six, $ 500 monthly episodes. The tuition supplier has a fiscal year-end of 31 December and proposes to recognize gross in the fiscal statements on a hard currency reception footing. At the twelvemonth terminal, the three monthly episode due have been received.Required:Tuition supplier should be advised on the right accounting intervention for this dealing.Answer to Example 1At 31 December, it is necessary to find how much gross is to be recognised in regard of the proviso of tuition, i.e. in the sale of a service. The proposal is to recognize gross of $ 4500, this being the hard currency received. This is incorrect. The measuring of net income, and therefore the acknowledgment of gross, has to take some history of the duplicate procedure. At the twelvemonth terminal, precisely one half of the class has been delivered. Consequently, one half of the gross can be recognised, i.e gross revenues should be $ 3000. While there are some staged payments, i.e. there is component of deferred consideration, these are paid over a affair of months instead than old ages. The clip value of money is consequently non regarded as stuff over this period, and so it is non necessary to dismiss the consideration received to get at the just value of the consideration. The $ 1500 received, but non yet recognised as gross at the coverage day of the month, is to be non-refundable there is, in fact, an duty to finish the contract. As deferred income, it is included n the statement of fiscal place / balance sheet as a liability instead than as equity. The original proposed intervention anticipated gross and therefore exaggerated net income in the short term. The right intervention can be summarised as follows: Dr Cash 4500 ( Bing the reception of hard currency ) Cr Revenue / Gross saless 3000 ( Bing the gross earned being recognised ) Cr Deferred income 1500 ( Bing the monies received in progress of the bringing of the services )Example 2On 1 November 2000, a auto retail merchant agreed to sell a motor vehicle for $ 20000. At the clip, the client negotiated a three-year free service understanding as portion of the dealing. This service understanding is usually sold for $ 1000. Besides, on 1st November 2000, the client paid a non-refundable sedimentation of $ 2000. A farther $ 10000 is collectible three months subsequently on 1st February 2001. The client has been taken advantage of a free offer and will pay the balance of the $ 8000 on 1st February 2003. Delivery of the auto to the client will take topographic point on 1st February 2001. The auto retail merchant has a fiscal twelvemonth terminal of 31 December and proposes to recognize the sale of the auto at $ 20000 in the fiscal histories for the current twelvemonth.Required:Rede the auto retail merchant on the right accounting intervention for, this dealing.Answer to illustration 2Fir st let us see the timing of the transaction- when the gross revenues take topographic point. this dealing is for gross revenues of goods, and we should find when the hazards and wagess of the ownership have left the retail merchant. The timing if the sale is, hence, 1st February 2001, as this is when the client takes ownership of the auto and the public presentation of the sale contract is, in consequence, well completed. No gross can be recognised in the current accounting period. The auto retail merchant has received $ 2000 in the current period. This has been banked ( Dr Cash ) and is to be regarded as deferred income ( Cr Deferred Income ) as, at the coverage day of the month of 31st December 2000, there has been no public presentation of the contract. While the sedimentation is said to be non-refundable, the auto trader does non hold an duty to finish the contract. Consequently, deferred income is included in the statement of the fiscal place / balance sheet as ability instead than as equity. There is besides a demand to see how to mensurate the gross generated from the ultimate sale of the auto. Two issues arise here. First there are two transactions- the sale of the auto and the sale of the three twelvemonth service understanding. This is because, in substance, the service understanding has non been given away for free, and the gross from that ( $ 1000 ) should be acknowledged individually and so recognised over the three old ages. Second, the deferral consideration of $ 8000 that will be two old ages after the sale, should be measured at just value by being discounted at the present value to reflect the clip value of money. All of this could be summarised up in diaries as follows- if we assume a price reduction rate 10 % for mensurating the clip value of money.1st November 2000Dr Cash 2000 ( Bing the reception of hard currency ) Cr Deferred Income 2000 ( Bing monies received in progress of the sale being recognised and so deferred income )1st February 2001Dr Deferred Income 2000 ( To unclutter out the brought forward deferred income history ) Dr Cash 10000 ( Bing the reception of hard currency ) Dr Receivable 6612 ( Measured at present value with a price reduction rate of say 10 % [ 8000/1.12 ] ) Cr Deferred Income 1000 ( In regard of the monies received in progress for the three-year service understanding ) Cr Sales/Revenue 17612 ( Gross in regard of the auto reconciliation figure )Example 3On 1st December in the current twelvemonth, an cyberspace travel agent accepts a payment by recognition card of $ 1000 in regard of a hotel engagement for the undermentioned February. The travel agent confirms the engagement and issues the client with an appropriate reception. In due class, the cyberspace travel agent will pay $ 900 to the hotel. Having received $ 100 from the client ( Dr Cash $ 1000 ) , the cyberspace travel agent proposes to instantly recognize $ 1000 as gross in the current twelvemonth ( Dr Gross saless $ 1000 ) . It will so enter the liability to pay the hotel ( Cr liability $ 900 ) and complete the dual entry by posting this as an disbursal ( Dr Expense $ 900 ) , the cyberspace travel agent has a fiscal twelvemonth terminal of 31st December.Required:Rede the cyberspace travel agent on the right accounting intervention for this dealing.Answer to illustration 3It appears that the cyberspace travel agent has so acted as merely an agent and non as a principal. All it has done is to supply an debut. It has non really been responsible for the proviso of a bed for dark. The gross that it should recognize, hence, should be confined to the committee that is due. This is merely $ 100. This earned on 1st December and can be recognised as a liability. When you can reason that the proposed accounting intervention does non, in fact, really overstate net income, it is still misdirecting as it would give the insouciant reader an feeling that the degrees of activity in the company were higher than they really are. To sum up in journal signifier, the right intervention is ; Dr Cash 1000 ( Bing the banking of the hard currency received ) Cr Revenue/Sales 100 ( Bing the committee earned as an agent ) Cr Hotel Creditor 900 ( Bing the liability to pay money over to the hotel )Specific state of affairssBill and keep agreementsIt is referred to the contract for the supply of goods, where the purchaser accepts rubric to the goods but does non take physical bringing of the point until a ulterior day of the month. Provided the goods are available for bringing, the purchaser gives expressed instructions to detain bringing and there are no changes to the footings on which the marketer usually trades with the purchaser, gross should recognize when the purchaser accepts rubric.Payments for goods in progress ( e.g. sedimentations )Gross should be recognised when the bringing of the goods to the purchaser takes topographic point. Until so, any payments in progress should handle as liabilities.Payments for goods by episodesGross is recognised when the important hazards and wagess of the ownership have been transferred, which is normally when the bringing is made. If the consequence of the clip value of money is mat erial, the sale monetary value should be discounted to its present value.Sale or returnSometimes goods are delivered to the client but the client can return within a certain clip period. Gross is usually recognised when the goods are delivered. Gross should so be reduced by an estimation of the return. In most instances a marketer can gauge return from the past experience. For illustration, a retail merchant would cognize on mean what per centum of goods are returned after a twelvemonth terminal and could set gross by the sum of expected returns.Presentation of gross as a principal or as agentThe chief supplies the goods or services on its ain history, while the agent receive a fee or committee for set uping proviso of goods and services by the principal. The principal is exposed to the hazard and wagess of the dealing and therefore records gross as gross sum receivable. The agent merely records the committee receivable on the dealing as gross. An illustration would be a decorative agent who earns committee on the figure of decorative sold. The agent owns no stock list, so is non exposed to obsolescence and therefore could merely enter committee as its gross. The decorative is exposed to the stock list obsolescence and merc handising monetary value alterations, so would enter the gross sum of the sale as gross.Separation and linking of contractual agreementsSometimes concern provide a figure of goods and services to client as a bundle. For illustration, a client might buy package together with regular ascents for one twelvemonth. The job here is whether the sale is one dealing or two separate minutess. A ‘Package ‘ such as this can merely be treated as more than one separate dealing, if each merchandise or service is capable of being sold independently and if a dependable just value can be assigned to each separate constituent. Using the illustration above, if support service is an optional supernumerary and the package can be operated without it, the sale is two ( or more ) separate minutess. If the sale is one dealing and the sum of gross recognised depends on the extent to which the marketer has performed at the coverage day of the month.Disclosure demand of IAS-18Harmonizing to IAS-18 an entity should unwrap: Its accounting policies for gross including the methods adopted to find the phase of completion of service dealing. The sum of each important class of gross recognised during the period. The sum if gross originating from exchange of goods and servicesAssetss and liability theoretical account for gross acknowledgmentThe gross recognised demands in IAS-18 focal point on the happening of the critical events instead than alterations in assets and liabilities. Some believe that this attack leads to debits and credits that do non run into the meet the definition of assets and liabilities being recognised in the statement of the fiscal place. The International Financial Reporting Standard Board has developed two attacks to implement the plus and liability theoretical account: The far value ( measuring ) theoretical account, in which public presentation duty are ab initio measured at just value. The client consideration theoretical account, in which public presentation duty are ab initio measured by apportioning the client consideration sum. It is likely that neither of these will be the concluding theoretical account and the concluding criterion is expected to be drawn from both of them.Failings under IAS-18A practical failing of IAS-18 is that ir gives deficient counsel on contract that provides more than one goods or services to the client. It is ill-defined when the contracts should be divided into constituents and how much gross should be attributable to each constituent. IFRS ( International Financial Reporting Standard Board ) often receives petitions for counsel on the application of IAS-18. Since IAS-18 was originally issued, concerns and dealing have become much more complex. For illustration, computing machine companies often enter into swap minutess. Minutess may include options, for illustration, to purchase portions or to return goods within a specified clip. Some entities have exploited the failings in IAS-18 in order to unnaturally heighten gross ( a practical sometimes called aggressive net incomes direction ) . For illustration, some package companies recognise gross revenues when order are made, good before it is Reasonably certain that hard currency will be received. The chief issue is one of timing. At what point in a dealing should an entity recognise gross? Three inquiries can be helpful in covering with an unusual dealing or state of affairs: When is the ‘critical event ‘ ? This is the point at which most or all of the uncertainness environing a dealing is removed. Has the marketer really performed? Transaction that gives rise to the gross are lawfully contractual agreements, irrespective of whether a formal contract exists. Gross can merely be recognised when an entity has performed its duties under the contract. For illustration, an entity can non recognize gross at the clip that it receives payment in progress. Has the dealing increased the entity ‘s net assets/equity? For illustration, when an entity makes a sale, its assets addition, because it has receivable ( entree to future economic benefits in the signifier of hard currency ) . Therefore it recognises a addition. This is one of the chief principal in the standard model.Current Developments in Revenue RecognitionThe board of International Financial Reporting Standard have been doing steady advancement since July 2010 to re-deliberate the proposed counsel and have finalized their re-liberations on cardinal gross measuring and acknowledgment issues. Some of the more important determinations to day of the month include: Clarifying when public presentation duties are distinguishable. Confirming that offers to supply goods or services that the client can supply to its client are public presentation duties. Clarifying the standards for when public presentation duties are satisfied over clip. Retaining the proposals associating to the usage of a residuary attack to gauge the standalone merchandising monetary value of a public presentation duty. Removing the demand to measure burdensome public presentation duties. Retaining the demand to account for clip value of money in contracts with a important funding constituent. Clarifying the aim of the restraint on acknowledging gross from variable consideration taking the exclusion for licences of rational belongings where payments vary based on the client ‘s subsequent gross revenues ( for illustration, sales-based royalties ) . Retaining the demand to capitalise contract acquisition costs if they are incremental and recoverable. Confirming collectability is non a threshold for gross acknowledgment and holding that initial and subsequent damages of client receivables should be presented as a separate disbursal point in the statement of comprehensive income. Agring that a licence is either a promise to supply a right which transportations at a point in clip or a promise to supply entree to rational belongings which transfers benefits to the client over clip ; and Deciding on revelations, passage, and effectual day of the month for public companies and non-public companies. The International Financial Reporting Standard substantively concluded re-deliberations of their joint 2011 exposure bill of exchange, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, in February 2013. The boards reached determinations on the staying cardinal issues including revelations, passage, and effectual day of the month at their most recent meetings. The boards ‘ timeline indicates the concluding criterion is expected in the 2nd one-fourth of 2013. The criterion will be effectual for the first interim period within one-year coverage periods get downing on or after January 1, 2017. Entities will hold the option to use the concluding criterion retrospectively or utilize a simplified passage method. An entity will non repeat prior periods if it uses the simplified method. Detailss of these determinations, every bit good as a comprehensive expression at the theoretical account at the terminal of the cardinal re-deliberations, are included in this Data line. Any staying â€Å" sweep † or new issues identified by the boards will be discussed at future board meetings, as needed.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Principles of Supporting Change in a Business Environment Essay

Change occurs frequently and rapidly in the workplace. Change in business has become the norm and businesses need to evolve to keep up with the demands of the modern world. Most of the people regard change as intimidating. It is often natural. It has great significance in business thus change does bring good for the business. So why does change happens? There are two main reasons for the changes in a business environment: 1. Reactive change- pressure to change (PEST) – POLITICAL – it is when government changes policies, regulation, etc which business needs to adapt to stay within the new laws; international changes or conflicts force business to change; legislations whether they domestic or international or future; – ECONOMIC- it is when domestic or international competitor’s behavior, trends or tax and interest rates change which forces the changes in the business; – SOCIAL- it often happens when customers demands, buying preferences change, as well as when events, media views or advertising makes business Identify the main reasons for reviewing working methods, products and / or services in a business environment. Once your business is established and running well, you may be inclined to let things continue to run as they are. However, it’s actually time to plan again. After the crucial early stages, you should regularly review your progress, identify how you can make the most of the market position you’ve established and decide where to take your business next. You will need to revisit and update your business plan with your new strategy in mind and make sure you introduce the developments you’ve noted. Reviewing your progress will be particularly useful if you feel: †¢ uncertain about how well the business is performing †¢ unsure if you’re getting the most out of the business or making the most of market opportunities †¢ your business plan may be out of date, e. g. you haven’t updated it since you started trading †¢ your business is moving in a direction different to the one you had planned †¢ the business may be becoming unwieldy or unresponsive to market demands It is also useful if you have decided that your company is ready to move on to  another level. When a business is going through change: a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. Everyone is different that is way some people may find change as something stimulating and exciting making them perform better others may find it very hard and difficult to adapt. This is way this type of people need extra time and support to get use to change happening in the work place. Theory suggests that these people will go through what is called: Change Performance Curve: Shock – The initial reaction can sometimes be shock, this will automatically reduce the individuals performance as they will fear the unknown. Denial – This is when the individual will stay focused in the past and the ‘way things used to be done’. The fear of the ‘new way’ may cause the individual to continue to complete their tasks the ‘old way’. Anger – Once the initial feelings have been dealt with denial slowly turns to anger. Depression – Once the individual finally realises that the change is going to happen, they enter the depression stage The individual accepts that the change is happening. Integration But there are different types of support that can help people during change. These include: †¢ Effective planning ( plan the change an inform people of the change) †¢ Participation ( let people be involved in the process) †¢ Training or retraining ( provide training so stuff if prepared for new tasks) †¢ Encouragement or other supportive behaviours ( provide support by encouraging not criticizing- good communication can really help people accept a change more quickly. Counselling or coaching b) Explain the benefits of working with others. As said above good communication can really help people accept a change more quickly. Working as a team can really help to adapt to change and helps people get through Change Performance Curve easier as they can help each other in dealing with new and more complex tasks. You will be able to help support your colleagues if they are finding something challenging and vice versa. It is important to remember that to support and work with colleagues effectively you will need to keep a positive outlook yourself. Understand how to respond to change in a business environment 1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with): a) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in working methods. When change occurs in a business it is important to see it as something positive. This will help to make the process a lot easier, even though the benefits may not be immediately obvious. If employees see change as a bad thing, they will soon become demotivated, which will affect The quality and efficiency of the business. While sometimes it may be difficult to accept change, employees need to be able to adapt to whatever they are presented with. Businesses need employees who have positive attitudes; they want people who say ‘I can do that’ not ‘I can’t do that’. A positive attitude can go a long way to help solve problems in difficult situations. b) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in products or services. Changes can be either expected or unexpected but nowadays change is a permanent phenomenon. I work in retail and I know that changes in this type of business is someting that cannot be forgotten or ignored. As an employee of one of the biggest beauty retailer in the UK I see almost everyday changes in the work place that take place to improve products and services we provide. I know it is very important to keep up with customers‘ demands and market innovations. It is very important to stay positive about this changes to make sure you do your best to help the business you work for improve and stay on top along other similar businesses. Staying positive also helps to secure you job position as employers want to have employees who are willing to adapt and are positive about their work and personal development. c) Identify ways of responding positively to change. Every employee seeks positive response to change from their employees. Ways of responding positively to change are: †¢ A willingness to learn(understanding the importance of learning new information for both current and future problem solving and decision making.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Value Chain Marketing And Distribution - 1616 Words

A value chain is a set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market (Wikipedia). Porter (1985) agrees that a value chain is a set of activities that an organization carries out to create value for its customers. More or less similar definition is given by others. A value chain is the full range of activities-including design, production, marketing and distribution-business go through to bring a product or service from conception to delivery (Businessnewsdaily). Value chain is an interlinked value adding activities that converts inputs into outputs which in turn, add to the bottom line and help create competitive advantage. This definition confirms that inputs converted into outputs and the same time value adding activities are interlinked (Business dictionary). According to WBCSD (2011) Value chains are an integral part of strategic planning for many business today. It says that it refers to the full life cycle of a product, including materials, sourcing, production, consumption and disposal. Global Value Chains (GVCs) is the latest that provides a drive for fast change in the international investment and trade which has far-reaching impact on government as well as organizations (Gurria, 2012). IFM, Cambridge viewed the organization as a system. It states that value chain is based on the process view of organization. CavinKare and I too define and treat organization as a system with manyShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Sift Analytics Group Essay1250 Words   |  5 Pagesretain, and grow its customer base. As a business to business supplier organization, Sift Analytics Group utilizes effective business marketing mix components to market its products and solutions to customers. The growth and profitability of this company can be understood through an Analytics of its supply chain and marketing channels, marketing strategy, and value proposition. 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